Swingers Clubs, Indonesia

Swingers Clubs, Indonesia

We have not been able to find many swingers clubs in Indonesia, if you have more details about the ones we do have listed, or if you know of a club not yet listed please drop us a line at [email protected]

Jakarta Friendly Swing Club Swingers Club

Opening Hours:

  • contact club for details


  • Jalan M. H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30,
  • Jakarta 10350,
  • Indonesia

Contact Details:

This is an exclusive friendly, fun and classy swingers club in Jakarta. This swing club is only for open minded fun loving couples. We host special events and parties on weekends.

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It only takes 5 minutes to create your profile and start searching for new swinging friends here in Bali.

We have couples searching for single men or single ladies and singles of both sexes looking for couples and singles.

Join The Fun Now!